My mother was a teacher and my father was a carpenter. They loved children and they loved each other. In 1965, on a whim, they opened Poko Loko Child Care Center in Glenview, Illinois. In the fall of 1978, my older brother was accepted into Northwestern University’s six-year medical program. Searching for a means to help pay tuition, my father had the idea of getting a summer day camp based out of their child care center. He called it Camp Kee Kee Kwa, which he told his campers was Indian for “Good Times.” My father’s idea and my mother’s perseverance, changed all of our lives forever.
My four brothers and I worked at our day camp every summer throughout our years of education. After I graduated from Northwestern’s Dental School in 1988, I married a classmate and we moved to Wauwatosa, Wisconsin to start our new careers. Although I practiced and enjoyed dentistry for 10 years, the family day camp in Illinois never left
my heart. I travelled to Illinois whenever possible, often with my babies in the back seat, to help and be part of my family’s summer of fun.
The Novak family had a big year in 1996: our fourth child was born and a large piece of vacant land that would be perfect for a day camp became available in Waukesha. My sweet husband of then 8 years knew when he suggested that the time had come for me to pursue my dream of dreams, that he wouldn’t be able to take it back! Without much convincing, I left dentistry and with the help of my family and three younger brothers our “fifth child” was born!
This summer we celebrate Good Times Summer Day Camp’s 23rd year in Waukesha. I count my blessing every night and continue to be forever grateful for this amazing gift of a dream come true!
Looking forward to warm, sunny days,